The Canadian association dedicated to people whose careers have been in libraries, archives, publishing, and information work

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Biographies of Canadian Librarians and Archivists

W. Kaye Lamb portrait by Lawren Harris, c.1967. Credit Library and Archives Canada.

There are many individuals who have made their mark in library and information science in Canada. The purpose of this biographical database is to present the most significant facts about the professional life of each of those listed and to identify a few useful sources of further information.

The brief, pertinent biographies about prominent Canadian persons may include personal facts; significant information on education, careers, publications, honours, awards, accomplishments, or association work; and comments by contemporaries. Inclusion of sources provides readers with further references on an individual.

ELA members can contribute to the project in a number of ways: by writing biographical entries, by suggesting improvements to the database, by correcting erroneous information, by adding biographical material already in the database. We welcome contributions to this project; for details on how to participate please contact the chair of the Ex Libris Biography Project Committee at the address below.


Allen, Jean Rodgers Kerfoot
Archer, John Hall
Astbury, Effie Constance
Aubry, Claude B.
Auster, Ethel Weiss

Bain, James Jr.
Baird, Donald Alexander
Baldwin, Paul Evered
Balatti, David R.
Ball, Katharine Lucy
Banks, Margaret Amelia
Barnstead, Winifred
Bassam, Bertha
Bassnett, Peter James
Bateson, Nora
Batty, Charles David
Beckman, Margaret Armstrong
Beghtol, Clare Lawton
Bishop, Olga
Black, Mary Johanna Louisa
Robert Harold Blackburn
Bowsfield, Hartwell (Hart)
Brewster, Elizabeth
Brown, Jack Ernest
Butt, Grace Hue

Calhoun, Alexander
Campbell, Brian Gordon
Campbell, Henry Cummings
Cariou, Mavis Olive
Carson, William Oliver
Castell, William R.
Charlton, Margaret Ridley
Cheda, Sherrill
Cockshutt, Margaret Evelyn
Crouch, Richard Edwin

Daniells, Laurenda
Dafoe, Elizabeth
Daveluy, Marie-Claire
Denis, Laurent G.
Donaldson, Helen
Donaldson, Mary Elizabeth
Donkin, Margaret (Kate)
Donnelly, Francis Dolores
Dunham, Bertha Mabel
Durance, Cynthia

Egoff, Sheila Agnes
Elliot, Shirley Burnham

Farrell, Barbara Eileen
Fauteux, Aegidius
Firth, Edith Grace
Fisher, Douglas Mason
Francis, Flora (Blizzard)

Gifford, Hilda
Gill, Margaret Susannah
Gilroy, Marion
Gould, Charles Henry
Greenfield, J. Katharine
Grossman, Peter Frederick
Gundy, Henry Pearson

Halliwell, Dean Wright
Halpenny, Francess Georgina
Hamilton, Robert Morris
Harlow, Neal Rotan
Harrison, Alice Willis
Hart, Anne
Haworth, Kent MacLean
Heggie, Grace F.
Henderson, Shirley Diane
Horrocks, Norman
Hume, Anne Isabel
Hutcheson, Amy

Ingles, Ernest (Ernie) Boyce
Ingraham, Mary Kinley
Ireland, Willard Ernest

Jarvi, Edith Tyyne
Jenkins, Kathleen Ruby

Kallmann, Helmut Max
Kane, Alice Elizabeth
Kidd, Betty Hazel (May)
Kurmey, William (Bill)

Lamb, William Kaye
Land, Reginald Brian
Landon, Fred
Landon, Richard Gerald
Langton, Hugh Hornby
Languedoc, Adéle
Layng, Theodore (Ted)
Letts, Alberta
Lochhead, Douglas Grant
Locke, George Herbert
Lomer, Gerhard Richard
Lunn, Alice Jean

MacDonald, Alan Hugh
MacRae, Lachlan Farquhar
Marshall, John Maitland
Matthews, Frederick White
McFadden, Eileen May
Mews, Marjorie
Mifflen, Jessie Beaumont
Milnes, Irma McDonough
Möller, Hans
Morison, Charles Keith
Morisset, Auguste-Marie

Morrison, Frances
Morton, Elizabeth Homer
Moses, Richard
Moulton, Alice
Mowat, Angus McGill
Munro, June
Murray, Florence Beatrice

O'Dea, Agnes C.

Packer, Katherine Helen
Paré, Richard
Parker, Velma
Partridge, Florence
Peel, Bruce Braden
Platnick, Phyllis
Prentice, Drene Dayell

Redmond, Donald A.
Ridington, John
Riley, Margaret Louise
Robinson, Edgar Stewart
Rothstein, Samuel
Ryder, Dorothy Edith

Sanderson, Charles Rupert
Saxe, Mary Sollace
Sessions, Vivian S.
Shepard, Martha
Silverthorn, Mary Elizabeth
Sinclair, David Paul
Smith, Lillian Helena
Snell, John Douglas
Spicer, Erik John
St. John, Judith G.
Stewart, Helen Gordon
Stuart-Stubbs, Basil
Sylvestre, Guy

Talman, James John
Tanghe, Raymond
Todd, Alpheus
Travis, Mary Eileen
Tremaine, Marie

Vespry, Horace Arthur

Waldon, Freda Farrell
Wallace, Ruby Evelyn
Wallace, William Stewart
Weihs, Jean Riddle
Wilkinson, John Provost
Williamson, Nancy Joyce
Woods, Maureen Shelagh

Zielinska, Marie Flora

Ex Libris Association
c/o Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto
140 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5S 3G6
email: Lorne Bruce

history/canadian-librarians-biographies.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/18 18:55