The Canadian association dedicated to people whose careers have been in libraries, archives, publishing, and information work

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Ruby Evelyn Wallace

b. 5 May 1906, Thessalon, ON; d. 14 Nov. 1964, Sydney, NS


1928 BA Library Science and Secretarial Science, University of Western Ontario


1928–34 Children’s librarian, Kitchener Public Library
1934–50 Chief Librarian, Niagara Falls Public Library
1950–64 Librarian, Cape Breton Regional Library


Wallace, Ruby (1940). “Simplified cataloguing and classification in the medium-sized library.” Ontario Library Review 24 (2): 142–145.
Wallace, Ruby (1944). “Library finances.” Ontario Library Review 28 (3): 286–188.
Wallace, Ruby (1947). “Film service and the budget.” Canadian Library Association Bulletin 4 (3): 106.
Wallace, Ruby (1951). “An afternoon in Dominion Branch, Cape Breton regional library.” Maritime Library Association Bulletin 15 (2): 2–4.
Wallace, Ruby (1951). “Cape Breton regional library.” Ontario Library Review 35 (1): 22–24.
Wallace, Ruby (1954). “What Is a Provincial Library? [Nova Scotia].” Ontario Library Review 38 (2): 87–89.
Wallace, Ruby and Anne McCormick (1959). “Nova Scotia Regional Libraries.” Journal of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada 36 (4): 119–120.
Wallace, Ruby (1962). “The challenge of the future.” In Proceedings of the Canadian Library Association 17th annual conference, Ottawa, June 22–29, 1962, pp. 60–63.
Wallace, Ruby (1963). “Breakthrough to progress.” In Proceedings of the Canadian Library Association 18th annual conference, Winnipeg, June 19–28, 1963, pp. 5–7 [presidential address].


President, Ontario Library Association, 1947–48
President, Maritime Library Association, 1954–55
President, Canadian Library Association, 1962–63


“Libraries may reach only a portion of our citizens, but each individual can be made aware that he has the opportunity to read freely of the world’s knowledge.”
— Ruby Wallace, June 29, 1962, Canadian Library Association conference, Ottawa.

“Her ability to work with other people is attested to by membership on the Council as well as the Board of Directors of the Canadian Library Association, to the Presidential offices severally of the Ontario Library Association, of the Atlantic Provinces Library Association and, in 1962, of the Canadian Library Association. Her knowledge of the wider world of librarianship was enhanced by her receipt of a Canada Council grant which enabled her to visit Scandinavian libraries and, subsequently, to compare these with our own in such a way as to be of mutual benefit to librarians in both countries.
”Those persons who knew Ruby Wallace well will not be surprised to learn that she willed her remains to science and that she called for contributions to the Scholarship Fund of the Canadian Library Association in lieu of flowers. Those librarians who knew her only casually will always associate her with that small but select band of professionals who held charter membership in the Canadian Library Association.” — Eugene Gattinger, President, Atlantic Provinces Library Association, 1965.


F. Eugene Gattinger. “Ruby Wallace,” Atlantic Provinces Library Association Bulletin 29 (February 1965): 8–9
Peter Grossman. (1965). “Ruby E. Wallace.” Canadian Library 21 (5): 352
