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James Bain Jr.
b. Aug. 2, 1842, London, England; d. May 22, 1908, Toronto, ON
Toronto Grammar School
1883–1908, Chief Librarian, Toronto Public Library
Bain, James (1868). Sketch of the history of St. Andrew's Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, No. 16, G. R. C., Toronto. Hamilton, Ont.: Printed at the Craftsman Office.
Bain, James, Jr. (1887). “Public Libraries in the Dominion of Canada.” Library Journal 12, no. 6 (June 1887): 217–220.
Bain, James, Jr. (1887). “Brief Review of the Libraries of Canada.” Library Journal 12, no. 9–10 (Sept.-Oct. 1887): 406–409.
Bain, James, Jr. (1893). “Lectures, Museums, Art Galleries, etc., in Connection with Libraries.” Library Journal 18, no. 7 (July 1893): 214–216.
Bain, James, Jr. (1893). “Public Libraries of the Dominion of Canada.” In Statistics of Public Libraries in the United States and Canada, ed. by Weston Flint, 18–20, pp. 205–213. Washington: Bureau of Education, Government Printing Office.
Bain, James, Jr. (1895). “The Libraries of Canada.” The Library; A Magazine of Bibliography and Literature, 7 (1895): 241–249 [read at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Library Association, Belfast, Sept. 1894].
Bain, James, Jr. (1897). “Public Libraries in Canada.” Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, vol. 1, parts 4-5, no. 4-5 (1897): 95–100 [read 11 Dec. 1897].
Bain, James, Jr. (1898). “Books in Branch Libraries.” Library Journal 23, no. 8 (Aug. 1898): 100–101.
Bain, James, Jr. (1898). “Public Libraries in Canada.” Canada Educational Monthly 20 (Feb. 1898): 41–48.
Bain, James, Jr. (1899). “The International Scientific Catalogue.” Proceedings of the Canadian Institute vol. 2, part 1, no. 7 (Feb. 1899): 27–29 [read 17 Dec. 1898].
Bain, James, Jr. (1899). “The Public Libraries of Canada.” In Canada: An Encyclopaedia of the Country, ed. by J. Castell Hopkins, vol. 5, pp. 207–211. Toronto: Linscott Publishing.
Bain, James, Jr. (1900). “Canadian Libraries.” Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature 16, no. 1 (Nov. 1900): 28–32.
Bain, James, Jr. (1901). “The President’s Address.” Proceedings of the Canadian Institute vol. 2, pt. 4, no. 10 (1901): 96–101 [read 18 Nov. 1900].
Bain, James, Jr. (1901). “Library Movement in Ontario.” Library Journal 26, no. 5 (May 1901): 269–270.
Bain, James, Jr. (1905). “Canadian Public Documents.” Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature 25, no. 2 (June 1905): 125–127.
Associations, Committees:
Canadian Society of Authors
Ontario Library Association
Champlain Society
1902, DCL, Trinity University, Toronto
1900–1902 President, Canadian Institute
1901–1902 President, Ontario Library Association
1905–1907 President, St. Andrew's Society.
Other areas of activity:
1866–1878 bookseller in his father's bookstore; travelling salesman with James Campbell and Son, Toronto publishers and booksellers, and later London agent.
1878–1881 partner in J.C. Nimmo and Bain, London, England.
1881–1883 Manager, Canada Publishing Co.
1897–1900 Canadian representative, Historical Manuscripts Commission of the American Historical Association
1903–1908 Convenor, Presbyterian General Assembly's committee on sabbath-school publications.
Member, Canadian Institute; St. Andrew's Society; Muskoka Club
"Bain, James," Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Accessed 14 August 2013.
Canadian Magazine 15 (May-Oct 1900), 31-33.
Champion, T.E. (1900). “A great librarian: the late James Bain, D.C.L.” Canadian Magazine 31 (May-Oct. 1908): 223-6.
Obituary, Toronto Star, 23 May 1908